Critical reflection – The role of peer and tutor feedback

The role of peer and tutor feedback holds an importance in allowing both the tutors and peers to learn and improve in many areas. It is also a process that everyone has to go through when we study, an opportunity for us to improve.

Presentation has always been my strength as I am not shy in front of crowds and many friends or peers acknowledge that as I am naturally vocal, and I have also done many events since my secondary school years with a big group of audience. However, I believe that in order to be an influential or good speaker, there is much more to become one. Thus, I am always open to comments or feedback given to me, as I seek for self improvement.

I personally feel that feedback allows someone to grow especially in school, when peer or tutor gives us comments on how we can better read, present, write or deliver our report writing skills. I feel that without feedback or comments, I would not be able to spot which areas that requires improvement and it also gives me a better direction as I know what I should work on, and many times, on my writing skills.

Writing skills are important especially when I am at a university education level as every other modules requires report writing. During my course of study in Temasek Polytechnic, we were taught effective communications through the 3 years. It is also often emphasised to us that effective writing plays an important part when we proceed to higher levels of study.

Now, as I look back on the months of effective communication lessons done, I feel that I have learnt how to write better and pay close attention to my writings, as well as be careful of the tenses used. I would not expect myself to be very fluent, but I do try my best to write effectively. There are also areas such as reader response entries that I am weak in as I have not written this form of writing before, but after seeing the comments given by my peers and tutors, I have a better understanding on what was missing and I try my best to make amendments accordingly.

Although weak writing skills has been my weakness, I do not feel inferior as there are always other teaching tools to allow myself to improve. I constantly allow my friends or peers to read my entries, my posts, or reports to hear comments and their feedback on it. As I work towards writing, presenting and my language skills better, these will definitely help me to organize contents in my reports as well as presentations. The contents taught in class would also allow me to stay critical in my writing for future modules to be taken in SIT. I truly believe that education is something that can not be stolen or taken away from someone and that is golden to me.

I do hope that as I continue my journey in SIT, this module will serve its greatest purpose to bring me through assignments in the following years.

“Good feedback is the key to improvement.”

word count: 526

Reflection on presentation – GreenBikeGO.

My group and I finally did our presentation on our proposal for bicycle sharing scheme, GreenBikeGO. Another assignment down!

I feel happy as I have prepared myself for the presentation and I have delivered my part for the team in our presentation. I was able to let everyone hear what I am saying with a good stance, however, my anxiousness caused me to forget information that I was supposed to bring up. I tried to use a video to present my idea in the background of our topic but my classmates made a point that I would have done better than the video.

I feel that our overall performance was alright, however, there is still room for improvement. Although we managed to get some good response, I feel that we were lacking in the way our contents were delivered.

Listening from the feedback provided by our classmates, I agree that some areas of the information in our proposal should have been looked into further, to avoid sending wrong information to potential stakeholders in future. Taking for example, the questions we asked to engage the audience, may have better assessed before asking as some figures mentioned by us, the authorities may have better understood it. At the same time, arrangements of the presentation could have been better and equal amount of time for each of us in presenting.

There were also the downsides of our proposal that we could have better prepare ourselves during the question and answer segment at the end. I feel that we may have missed out on some key ideas and considerations on our proposal and how it will benefit the public at large through our proposed solutions. Although we managed to answer the questions asked by our classmates, some questions were also not on point to address the concerns that would have lost the interest in stakeholders. These issues raised may be some of the important pointers we have to take special note in order to perform better in future presentations!

A person who inspires me.

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” I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.”

This is Nick, Nick Vujicic. He was born with no limbs and this came from a Tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterised by the absence of 4 limbs. He tried taking his life countless times when he was in his teen years,  but many times it failed. Maybe he heard god’s calling, that his life was too precious to be wasted away. Who would have thought that he would be born without limbs, only with a little feet that took over other parts of his limbs, to help him through daily activities. He had to learn how to write and maximise the ability of that feet, and even to help him swim. At age of 17, he started an organisation, “Life without limbs” and conducted motivational speeches which focused on life with a disability, hope and meaning of life for others.

I met Nick when I was about 14 or 15 years old, during an event, “National Young Leaders Day” back in secondary school years when I was still a student councillor. We were invited by Halogen Foundation, an organisation which teaches student leaders to perform better and master skills in leadership, to attend this session. I was taken aback when I see Nick on stage, after all spotlights were turned on after an intermission when it was pitch dark before. He laid on a table about 1.5 arms length wide, with a book at the side, and him lying on his stomach. I was shocked at what I saw, as it was my first time seeing someone with this rare disability. He showed us how he could utilise the book to allow him to stand, which he did, swiftly and effortlessly.

Nick inspired me a lot as he taught me what opportunities were, how we should grasp it every time I am given one, and to live it to the fullest, even if we know that we might fall. He taught me what were the right approaches to life, and how we should take chances. His words constantly reminds me of how fortunate I am and things should never be taken for granted. He was able to make me realise that I should also allow myself to look at the world at a different perspective, viewing things or issues, each at a time.

I recalled his speech then, about how powerful words can be, especially inspirational talks, that could make me cry at the spur of the moment. I knew how much I have done in my life, and that I can also do more in the years to come. It doesn’t hurt, to try and take on challenges, like he did. Because in the end, your success or achievements are not there for the others to see, but for yourself to know, that you’ve reached your goals, or the happiness you get from within, that is priceless.

Nick has truly been an inspiration to me, even till now.