Reflection on presentation – GreenBikeGO.

My group and I finally did our presentation on our proposal for bicycle sharing scheme, GreenBikeGO. Another assignment down!

I feel happy as I have prepared myself for the presentation and I have delivered my part for the team in our presentation. I was able to let everyone hear what I am saying with a good stance, however, my anxiousness caused me to forget information that I was supposed to bring up. I tried to use a video to present my idea in the background of our topic but my classmates made a point that I would have done better than the video.

I feel that our overall performance was alright, however, there is still room for improvement. Although we managed to get some good response, I feel that we were lacking in the way our contents were delivered.

Listening from the feedback provided by our classmates, I agree that some areas of the information in our proposal should have been looked into further, to avoid sending wrong information to potential stakeholders in future. Taking for example, the questions we asked to engage the audience, may have better assessed before asking as some figures mentioned by us, the authorities may have better understood it. At the same time, arrangements of the presentation could have been better and equal amount of time for each of us in presenting.

There were also the downsides of our proposal that we could have better prepare ourselves during the question and answer segment at the end. I feel that we may have missed out on some key ideas and considerations on our proposal and how it will benefit the public at large through our proposed solutions. Although we managed to answer the questions asked by our classmates, some questions were also not on point to address the concerns that would have lost the interest in stakeholders. These issues raised may be some of the important pointers we have to take special note in order to perform better in future presentations!

2 thoughts on “Reflection on presentation – GreenBikeGO.

  1. Hi Ai Wei,

    Your presentation has been etched in my mind. The way you carried yourself, the level of confidence that you portrayed, the passion you exuded while delivering your speech were all marvelous.

    Although you mentioned that during the presentation, you forgotten some information due to your anxiousness, I felt that you were able to maintain your composure and continue with the presentation well.

    It is good that you have taken note of the feedback provided regarding your group’s presentation. I believe that these will help to improve not just your presentation skills but also your proposal report.

    I look forward to hearing you present in the future! 🙂



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