Reader response on: Developing Sustainable Infrastructures in New Cities

In the article, “Developing Sustainable Infrastructure in New Cities”, Cho (2014) states that sustainability needs to be ranked first to adapt to the extreme urban context in the 21st century. The author mentions that “Envision Sustainability Rating System” is designed to monitor the performance of an infrastructure through the ability, flexibility and the usefulness to last from a present project. The writer states that both Mexico and Peru uses sustainable techniques to construct their highways which has served the community well by overcoming these challenges such as “rising energy prices, water shortages, traffic congestions and etc.”, in rapid urbanization. The author hopes to provide a holistic vision through the King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) and that new city around the world will use these guidelines to strategize their new infrastructures. However, the author fails to express if all countries will be able to use these guidelines in the long run.

I feel that the article shows great detail in telling readers about the needs of sustainable infrastructures put in place to ensure continuity of use. As rapid urbanization is taking place, sustainability carries an important role in ensuring that the wellbeing of the citizens, improving environmental challenges and economic growth for the country is met. It also proves feasibility in the projects for such infrastructures in the Middle Eastern Cities. Looking at the framework from the “King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) fellowship”, it serves as an option for countries in the region to look at the results at a wider view. With a rating system put in place, people will be able to monitor the resilience and the performance of their infrastructures and also competitiveness at a global level. In rapid urbanization, sustainability is often misunderstood for being expensive to build and countries feel that they should stick to conventional methods in constructions, not looking at the long-term goals. As sustainability suggest, I feel that one needs to understand sustainability well, before any companies commit to it fully.

While I agree, I feel that sustainable new cities should not only concentrate on infrastructures on transport developments, although an effective transport system is the backbone to every modern economy. While smart cities surfaces, sustainable infrastructure is seen as one of the economic motivators and part of a new economic model adopted by many cities around the world. However, it takes years of planning, innovative thinking and approach to integrate the techniques of sustainable infrastructures and design.

According to World Bank Group (2013), sustainability efforts by the leaders must “also figure out how they will provide affordable homes, transportation, jobs, and basic infrastructure and services necessary to support the ballooning urban populations”. Global awareness needs to set in to ensure that the city leaders know what sustainability is about and how they can implement it in their country’s context. Space constraints or limitations within the city can also potentially hinder the improvement of the infrastructures in the cities, e.g. existing infrastructures. In order to fully benefit from constructing sustainable infrastructures without compromising with environmental factors and the community adversely, checking against other available rating systems such as “Leadership in Energy And Environmental Design (LEED)” or “Green Mark Rating (by Building Construction Authority Singapore)”, within the city’s region that is applicable is also important. Countries expressing interest in this might need to also consider the ways to finance their infrastructures of their projects, to monitor the performance and the needs to maintain the systems.

In conclusion, developing sustainable infrastructures in new cities is important to foster a connection between the people and the economy, it is also paramount for the government leaders to assess the effective plans and finance for the new infrastructures. It also allows more revenue to the country and to experience lesser maintenance issues with more continuity of use. Sustainability performance through different forms of rating systems also gives countries a platform to recognize their efforts in restoring capital and ecosystems. Therefore, world leaders need to look scrutinize the different guidelines that is widely provided carefully, before constructing their infrastructures.


Envisioning Smart Cities through Sustainable Infrastructure, by Meghna Tare, 2 April 2014 on Weekly News Roundup.

Sustainable Infrastructure by GIZ

What City Leaders Need to Know as Countries Rapidly Urbanize, by The World Bank Group on 22 January 2013.,,contentMDK:23342828~menuPK:64885113~pagePK:7278667~piPK:64911824~theSitePK:5929282,00.html

Word count: 513 without summary

3 thoughts on “Reader response on: Developing Sustainable Infrastructures in New Cities

  1. Hi, your summary still stays clear and concise. However you did not mention how many factors are you going to discuss in your thesis. After reading your reader response I can tell that you agree to the article but I feel that there should be some extent of disagreement.


  2. I think that before you start on your reader response, you can state your stand clearer eg” I agree to some extent in the importance of achieving sustainable infrastructure. however….” because the first paragraph first half shows that you agree the importance of it.

    From the second paragraph of your reader response, I feel that you might have mistaken the article. In the article it focused more on sustainable infrastructure on roads due to the examples, but it stated” It is a new accreditation system that prioritizes the sustainability of infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, pipelines, stormwater systems, landfills, treatment and other systems that help cities function as a whole.” so you might want to take note of it.

    Before the “According to World Bank Group (2013)……” it will be better if you can mention something like: the writer fails to mention that sustainable efforts is not constraint within infrastructure but also…… then “According to World Bank Group (2013)…..”


  3. Hello Momo!

    great job for staying on point for your reader response. I noticed one sentence with a little grammar mistake thought.

    “While I agree, I feel that sustainable new cities should not only concentrate on infrastructures on transport developments, although an effective transport system is the backbone to every modern economy.” (Paragraph 3, sentence 1)

    Maybe you could change the 1st sentence to, “while i agree with the author’s main point on transportation infrastructure, i feel that….(continue with your sentence)”. It will make your sentence sound more complete (:

    Other than that, the rest is all good

    Take care!


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